Realtek device drivers for Windows


Welcome to the community site. We appreciate every visit and we would like to provide you with all relevant information about Realtek Semiconductor Corp. products. We would like to inform you that the website is not provided in conjunction with Realtek Semiconductor Corp. and does not provide any technical support. In case of technical difficulties, please contact your supplier directly or consult the Realtek Technical Support site.
This project is produced in cooperation with DriversCAT Ltd.


Since 2004, our company has been providing unlicensed localized technical support for Realtek network and audio products. It was at a time when the gigabit network cards, as well as 802.11g (2.4GHz) and 802.11a (5GHz) cards, appeared on the market. The first problems have already been solved, especially in localized versions of Microsoft Windows, which have been greatly helped by our suppliers' technicians. Since February 1, 2008, e-mail and telephone technical support has ceased to exist in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In case of problems, we recommend first testing the latest drivers for your operating system from our site and then contacting your vendor.

Currently on our community site you can find:

- 230× audio drivers
- 81× wireless drivers
- 19× bluetooth drivers
- 141× LAN network drivers
- 128× other drivers
- 99× oem computer or motherboard manufacturers
- 94× audio PDF datasheets
- 19× wireless PDF datasheets
- 66× LAN network PDF datasheets
- 18× other PDF datasheets
- 8 news on our website

This website was originally located at the domain
At the beginning of 2022, we migrated there to the domain

About Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

Realtek Semiconductor Corp., located in the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park - Taiwan's "Silicon Valley" - began with a small group of young, devoted engineers in 1987. Over three decades, these young founding engineers built Realtek into one of the world's largest and most successful IC design houses. Realtek's efforts to provide the ultimate in pioneering IC technology - along with its firm commitment to creating unique and innovative designs for a broad range of high-tech applications - have won the company a worldwide reputation and made possible a favorable and consistent growth rate in the years since its establishment. We attribute this achievement to Realtek's tradition of excellence.

Realtek Download:

Contact Us


DriversCAT Ltd.
Přerov, Czech Republic
email: info [at]

Latest Windows 10 64bit drivers

Version Date DNL
2.10.1061.3011 2024-01-31 3954×
10.0.22631.21370 2024-01-26 264×
6001.16.126.313 2024-01-18 1413×
10.0.22000.20312 2024-01-11 204×
10.0.22000.20311 2024-01-02 23×

Latest Windows 11 64bit drivers

Version Date DNL
2.10.1061.3011 2024-01-31 3954×
10.0.22631.21370 2024-01-26 264×
6001.16.126.313 2024-01-18 1413×
10.0.22000.20312 2024-01-11 204×
10.0.22000.20311 2024-01-02 23×

Latest Realtek PDF's

PDF Datasheet Date
RTL8721 2021-08-03
RTL8722 2021-08-03
RTL8125 2020-07-22
RTL8720 2019-04-24
RTL8671 2019-04-10

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