Realtek device drivers for Windows

Latest news on

On this page, you'll find the latest news about our community site. You will find information about new devices, new drivers, as well as information about changes and extensions to this website.
Realtek Semiconductor Corp. does not offer direct technical support and offers a very limited number of drivers on the web. If you require official technical support, contact your supplier or equipment manufacturer. All services provided here are not consulted with the manufacturer (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.).
If you miss something, contact us and let us know what we should add or fix. We will be very happy if you stay our supporters.

2024-02-01: Add new Bluetooth section

  • Due to numerous requests, the Bluetooth section has been added. Here you can find older, current and latest drivers for Windows from Windows 7 to Windows 11.
  • Bluetooth section

2023-12-01: We have extended the drivers for Realtek webcams

2023-10-01: The website now falls under DriversCAT

  • As of 1/10/2023, this website is under the DriversCAT community project.
    Thanks to this change, more frequent updates are also expected.
  • DriversCAT

2022-03-31: Download of PDF datasheets launched

2022-02-28: Added support for Windows 11

2022-02-14: Extended About section

  • In About we have added statistical information about the number of drivers, PDF manuals and manufacturers we know.
  • About

2022-02-03: TOP3 Links launched

  • Based on information obtained from Google, we have added TOP3 Links, which is a list of the three most common searches according to Google Analytics.

    On February 3, 2022, the most searched:
    - ALC887 and Win10/64 (Audio driver ALC887 for Windows 10 64bit),
    - ALC662 and Win10/64 (Audio driver ALC662 for Windows 10 64bit),
    - RTL8168/8111 and Win7 (Network drivers for RTL8168/8111 and Windows 7 64bit).

2022-01-17: Move the site to

  • Some time ago, we received information from one author's association that they did not like the use of the original domain, so we decided to move the entire website and slightly modify it to the new domain

    We are planning several changes and news on this new domain, these are:
    - information about news on the web (this section),
    - TOP3 link by Google (on the left of the bar),
    - addition of search by oem manufacturers,
    - redesigned and expanded offer of PDF documents.

    We apologize for the inconvenience of finding a website that, thanks to our community, offers a large number of Realtek device and chip drivers for free download.

Latest Windows 10 64bit drivers

Version Date DNL
2.10.1061.3011 2024-01-31 3954×
10.0.22631.21370 2024-01-26 264×
6001.16.126.313 2024-01-18 1413×
10.0.22000.20312 2024-01-11 204×
10.0.22000.20311 2024-01-02 23×

Latest Windows 11 64bit drivers

Version Date DNL
2.10.1061.3011 2024-01-31 3954×
10.0.22631.21370 2024-01-26 264×
6001.16.126.313 2024-01-18 1413×
10.0.22000.20312 2024-01-11 204×
10.0.22000.20311 2024-01-02 23×

Latest Realtek PDF's

PDF Datasheet Date
RTL8722 2021-08-03
RTL8721 2021-08-03
RTL8125 2020-07-22
RTL8720 2019-04-24
RTL8671 2019-04-10

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